The mother knows how to bring up her son: licking without talking! Only he's no fool either, he turns his back on her and gets his revenge - the ancient Greek tragedy rests.
Onisimus 45 days ago
When the blonde got down on her knees to please the bartender - it was very tempting! She has great tanned, swarthy skin that looks sexy with her hair color. A lot of people would love to be in this man's shoes and sleep with a babe like that!
Shah Shah. 13 days ago
What the [bleep] are you guys talking about?
Aydin 42 days ago
Big fat cock, lots of cum!!! Who wants?
FAGGOT 8 days ago
The transfer of sexual experience from a mature, experienced mother to her daughter, taking her first steps in sex is an excellent idea. How many men around the world, if the practice were widespread, would stop looking for "
Bodia 42 days ago
For the daughter, it's an attempt to gain experience not on the street with drug addicts and alcoholics, but with her own father as a family member. For the father, it's an extra excuse to release the tension without cheating on his wife.
The mother knows how to bring up her son: licking without talking! Only he's no fool either, he turns his back on her and gets his revenge - the ancient Greek tragedy rests.